Getting Familiar with Reverse Cycle Air Conditioning Systems

Posted on: 2 February 2016


Investing in an air conditioning unit is one of the more expensive purchases that you will make for your home. As such, it is always best to familiarise yourself with all you need to know about the systems that you are contemplating. This will enable to make a knowledgeable decision on what would be best suited for your needs. One of the popular options for Australian residences are the reverse cycle air conditioning systems. Here are some of the things that you need to know about these units.

How does a reverse cycle air conditioning unit work?

A reverse cycle air conditioning unit is best for residences located in areas that experience seasonal extreme temperature changes. This is because the unit works toward both heating as well as cooling your home. During the colder seasons, the unit will extract heat from the air outdoors. This is done by a refrigerant in the unit that is passed through the unit's external coil so as to absorb the heat available. Once the refrigerant becomes heated, it is consequently pumped into a compressor that will disperse the heat into the interior of the home. During the hotter months, this system is reversed in that the unit will extract cool air from the outdoors. That is why it is named a reverse cycle air conditioning system.

What are the advantages of a reverse cycle air conditioning unit?

  • It offers two functions for one: One of the biggest advantages of this type of unit is that it performs the function of two different air conditioning units. Rather than having a separate heater and a different cooling solution, you do not have to worry about regulating the temperature in your home all year round.
  • Decreased utility bills: These units use up less electricity for heating and cooling than conventional air conditioners, thus making them an economical option if you are looking to cut down on your utility bills.

What considerations should you have before purchasing this unit?

The first consideration you should have before purchasing a reverse cycle air conditioning system is the unit's minimum temperature for optimal operation. If your home is prone to extremely low temperatures, the system may not be efficient enough to cool your residence. This may lead to increased heating costs as it overworks itself.

The second consideration to have would be the size of unit you require. To determine this, it would be best to consult with air conditioning contractors who can determine the capacity required to properly service your home. This is done through a heat load survey performed by the professionals.